What is the rate of alcoholism in the USA compared to the rest of the world? health a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or other infirmity. For COVID-19, symptoms appear 2-14 days after infection. Columns are drawn so that their bases equal the class intervals (i.e., so that columns of adjacent intervals touch), and their heights correspond to the class frequencies. confidence limits the end points (i.e., the minimum and maximum values) of a confidence. rate an expression of the relative frequency with which an event occurs among a defined population per unit of time, calculated as the number of new cases or deaths during a specified period divided by either person-time or the average (midinterval) population. rated the film PG13; rated the bonds at junk level. life expectancy a statistical projection of the average number of years a person of a given age is expected to live, if current mortality rates continue to apply. Objectives In late December 2022, rates of mortality in France (over 2,500 daily deaths) have reached levels not seen since April 2020, with the most pronounced increase in mortality recorded in nursing homes. proportion a ratio in which the numerator is included in the denominator; the ratio of a part to the whole, expressed as a decimal fraction (e.g., 0 2), a fraction (1/5), or a percentage (20%). It did not take long, however, before the infection leaked out and copies of the worm began spreading all over the Internet, infecting 130,000 computers worldwide. phrases. frequency distribution a complete summary of the frequencies of the values or categories of a variable, often displayed in a two-column table with the individual values or categories in the left column and the number of observations in each category in the right column. thesaurus. Best synonyms for 'rate of infection' are 'infection rate', 'incidence rate' and 'morbidity rate'. 2023. vector a living intermediary that carries an agent from a reservoir to a susceptible host (see also transmission, biologic and transmission, mechanical) (e.g., mosquitoes, fleas, or ticks). mode of transmission the manner in which an agent is transmitted from its reservoir to a susceptible host (see also transmission). cause-specific mortality rate see mortality rate, cause-specific. In radiology, the speed with which medical images are recorded, usually expressed in images per second. antigen any substance (e.g., a toxin or the surface of a microorganism or transplanted organ) recognized as foreign by the human body and that stimulates the production of antibodies. birth rate, crude the number of live births during a specified period divided by the mid-period population, usually expressed per 1,000 population. predictive value positive the proportion of cases identified by a test, reported by a surveillance system, or classified by a case definition that are true cases, calculated as the number of true-positives divided by the number of true-positives plus false-positives. cause, necessary a factor that must be present for a disease or other health problem to occur. It's flattering to know other clubs seem to rate me. Die Behrden in Hongkong hatten die Maskenpflicht whrend der Pandemie strikt durchgesetzt. scatter diagram (or scattergram) a graphical display of the association between two variables in which a dot is plotted on the graph for each set of paired values for two continuous variables, with one variable plotted on the horizontal axis, and the other plotted on the vertical axis. prevalence, point the amount of a particular disease, chronic condition, or type of injury present among a population at a single point in time. {\displaystyle \lambda } We offer immediate delivery on all orders placed before 3pm. You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. is that data on the average age of infection is very easily obtainable, even if not all cases of the disease are reported. scale, ratio a measurement scale consisting of quantitative categories whose values are intervals with a true zero point (e.g., height in centimeters or duration of illness). definitions. . Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Newsletter DEVASTATING Australian NSW data showing the quadrupled COVID mRNA vaccinated (4 shots) have massive spikes in hospitalization & death! The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? spot map a visual display of the geographic pattern of a health problem, in which a marker is placed on a map to indicate where each affected person lives, works, or might have been exposed. case-control study see study, case-control. We were delighted, or at any rate satisfied, with the results. isolation the separation of infected persons to prevent transmission to susceptible ones. Accessed 4 Mar. cumulative frequency in a frequency distribution, the number or proportion of observations with a particular value and any smaller value. The number of maternal deaths in 1 year from puerperal causes (such as those associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium) within 42 days after delivery divided by the number of live births in that same year. Synonyms for Rates of infection.Retrieved July 10, 2021, from https://www.classicthesaurus.com/rates_of_infection/synonyms census the enumeration of an entire population, usually including details on residence, age, sex, occupation, racial/ethnic group, marital status, birth history, and relationship to the head of household. THE PROBLEM WITH TRUMPS HERD MENTALITY LINE ISNT THE VERBAL FLUB. Seizure. cohort, birth a group of persons born during a particular period or year. Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Simulated anthrax attacks and syndromic surveillance, Rise in HCV infection rates linked to OxyContin reformulation, Can pin-site infection be prevented? scale, nominal a measurement scale consisting of qualitative categories whose values have no inherent statistical order or rank (e.g., categories of race/ethnicity, religion, or country of birth). mortality rate, postneonatal the mortality rate for children from age 28 days up to, but not including, 1 year. One moose, two moose. Diseases of the cardiovascular system may be diagnosed . synonyms for infection Compare Synonyms bug disease epidemic flu pollution virus contagion corruption defilement germs impurity poison communicability contagiousness insanitation septicity what's going around See also synonyms for: infections antonyms for infection MOST RELEVANT sanitation sterility . According to Word Health Organization (WHO) data, infant mortality caused by Succedaneum Caput infection decreased by 0.05% from 4 million infants who died at 30 days (advanced neonatal). 10 Infection rate Synonyms. cause, component a factor that contributes to a sufficient cause (see also cause, sufficient). https://www.thefreedictionary.com/infection+rate, [Middle English, from Old French, from Medieval Latin, [C15: from Old French, from Medieval Latin, to estimate or be estimated, with regard to worth, merit, value. This term is often used to describe the prevalence of malaria in a local area, with 10 to 50% of children showing evidence of prior infection being considered a moderate level . Synonym: Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Recurrent. Q. I was wondering the rate at which alcohol induces brain damage. Each cause of death is expressed as a percentage of all deaths, and the sum of the proportionate mortality for all causes must equal 100%. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. independent variable see variable, independent. While in Indonesia the infant mortality rate due to infection of Caput succedaneum in 2013 amounted to 11% from 35 per 1000 live births. line graph, semilogarithmic-scale a graph that displays patterns or trends by plotting the frequency (e.g., number, proportion, or rate) of a characteristic or event during some variable, usually time. demographic information personal characteristics of a person or group (e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity, residence, and occupation) demographic information is used in descriptive epidemiology to characterize patients or populations. class limits the values at the upper and lower ends of a class interval. I am not an alcoholic and I use to drink only on weekends. bar chart, grouped a bar chart displaying quantities of two variables, represented by adjoining bars or columns (i.e., a group) of categories of one variable, separated by space between groups. health information system a combination of health statistics from different sources. Our aims were to increase (1) pneumococcal conjugate vaccine . The rate of utilization of energy. Usually, the cases are presumed to have a common cause or to be related to one another in some way (see also outbreak). The number of heartbeats per unit of time, usually expressed or written as number per minute. You can review and change the way we collect information below. mean (or average) commonly called the average; it is the most common measure of central tendency. contagious capable of being transmitted from one person to another by contact or close proximity. It is updated regularly. case-patient in a case-control study, a person who has the disease, injury, or other health condition that meets the case definition (see also case). mechanical transmission see transmission, mechanical. survey a systematic canvassing of persons to collect information, often from a representative sample of the population. epidemiology, descriptive the aspect of epidemiology concerned with organizing and summarizing data regarding the persons affected (e.g., the characteristics of those who became ill), time (e.g., when they become ill), and place (e.g., where they might have been exposed to the cause of illness). The line graph shows there were 37,800 new HIV infections in 2015, 37,900 in 2016, 36,700 in 2017, 36,200 in 2018, and 34,800 in 2019. This type of graph is useful for identifying medians and quartiles and other percentiles. The advantage of this method of calculating bias, information systematic difference in the collection of data regarding the participants in a study (e.g., about exposures in a case-control study, or about health outcomes in a cohort study) that leads to an incorrect result (e.g., risk ratio or odds ratio) or inference. The number of stillbirths (in which the gestation period was 28 weeks or more) in the first 7 days of life divided by the number of live births plus stillbirths in the same year. variable (or data), discrete a variable that is limited to a finite number of values; data for such a variable. sensitivity the ability of a test, case definition, or surveillance system to identify true cases; the proportion of people with a health condition (or the proportion of outbreaks) that are identified by a screening test or case definition (or surveillance system). Most didn't develop a fever. mean, arithmetic the measure of central location, commonly called the average, calculated by adding all the values in a group of measurements and dividing by the number of values in the group. effectiveness the ability of an intervention or program to produce the intended or expected results in the field. Good synonyms? table, two-by-two a two-variable table with cross-tabulated data, in which each variable has only two categories. Many of the mechanisms of resistance have been caused by the inappropriate prescription of antibiotics to treat illnesses such as the cold or flu or the over-prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics. 4. population the total number of inhabitants of a geographic area or the total number of persons in a particular group (e.g., the number of persons engaged in a certain occupation). From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: The speed or frequency of occurrence of an event, usually expressed with respect to time or some other known standard. The alternative is adopted if the null hypothesis (see also hypothesis, null) proves implausible. This television programme has had some very bad ratings recently. survival curve a line graph that begins with 100% of the study population and displays the percentage of the population still surviving at successive points in time. association the statistical relation between two or more events, characteristics, or other variables. medical surveillance see surveillance, medical. Quarantine refers to separation of potentially exposed but well persons; isolation refers to separation of ill persons. The infection rate in reactivated disease is approximately 15%-20%. bar chart, deviation a bar chart displaying either positive or negative differences from a baseline. applied epidemiology see epidemiology, applied. A prospective study to assess risk factors for surgical site infections in a tertiary care center The mobile infection rate was 0.65% during the first half of Mobile infection rate jumps in H1 2014 Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you. 1 case, index the first case or instance of a patient coming to the attention of health authorities. contingency table a two-variable table of cross-tabulated data. Well, at any rate, let me thank you for all you did. The maximum rate of exhalation during a forced expiration, measured in liters per second or liters per minute. Antibiotic resistance is one of the leading issues in modern healthcare due to the inability to treat common infections with available antibiotics. Tea-flavored ice cream doesn't rate highly in my book. Organ transplant recipients had the highest rate of breakthrough infections. outcome(s) any or all of the possible results that can stem from exposure to a causal factor or from preventive or therapeutic interventions; all identified changes in health status that result from the handling of a health problem. epidemic period the time span of an outbreak or epidemic. study, case-control an observational analytic study that enrolls one group of persons with a certain disease, chronic condition, or type of injury (case-patients) and a group of persons without the health problem (control subjects) and compares differences in exposures, behaviors, and other characteristics to identify and quantify associations, test hypotheses, and identify causes. an infecting agency or influence. retrospective study see study, retrospective. dependent variable see variable, dependent. Synonyms for Infection rates. 2. . excess risk risk difference, calculated as the risk among the exposed group minus the risk among the unexposed group. Analytic epidemiology uses comparison groups to provide baseline or expected values so that associations between exposures and outcomes can be quantified and hypotheses about the cause of the problem can be tested (see also study, analytic). the speed or frequency with which an event or circumstance occurs per unit of time, population, or other standard of comparison. notifiable disease a disease that, by law, must be reported to public health authorities upon diagnosis. table shell a table that is completely drawn and labeled but contains no data. CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. confidence interval a range of values for a measure (e.g., rate or odds ratio) constructed so that the range has a specified probability (often, but not necessarily, 95%) of including the true value of the measure. prevalence the number or proportion of cases or events or attributes among a given population. Synonym: The average range of beats per minute recorded within a 10-min time frame. epidemiology, analytic the aspect of epidemiology concerned with why and how a health problem occurs. {\displaystyle \lambda }
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