If a student experiences circumstances which prevents them from meeting a deadline that are sudden, unexpected, significantly disruptive and beyond their control, they should submit an Extenuating Circumstances (EC) Form to the Department of Geography. A list of references cited should be provided at the end of the paper, using the format described in classes for course GEOG1008 Writing and Analysis in Geography. You can self-certify for Extenuating Circumstances on a limited number of occasions, within the following defined criteria. If you are able to obtain a letter from a doctor or other registered medical practitioner to confirm this impact, this may helpyourcase. We should, in these circumstances, be able to get back to you within 10 days. Once you have started any time-limited assessment, you cannot self-certify a deferral to the next assessment period. endstream
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However, theywillconsider your circumstances if there is a significant failure of the University network systems or serious problems with academic project work such asequipmentfailure. endstream
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/Tx BMC Such students do not need to submit a separate EC application as an extension will be automatically granted as per their SoRA.If a student who already has a SoRA extension in place needs additional time and the grounds for EC are met, they are able to apply for further extensions using this process. UCL Department of Geography, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT Tel: +44 (0) 20 7679 0500; Compiling the relevant documents and information can help speed your application along. endstream
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*'"&0M" f? dissertations refer to the dissertation handbook for specific guidance). Requests for review must be submitted within two weeks of the extension or mitigation decision, and should be submitted to thesameoffice as you submitted your Extenuating Circumstances form. All other EC claims should be submitted as soon as possible, and no more than one week (five working days) after the first affected assessment. If you are disabled or have a health condition that you feel might impact on your ability to perform in assessments, you can apply for reasonable adjustments to your assessment(s). Step 2: gather the relevant evidence for your application. Where the deceased person is a close relative - partner, parent, child or sibling- then the death certificate alone willbesufficient. You are welcome, for example, to discuss coursework papers with other students, but there should not be substantial overlap in the text of the coursework papers submitted. Most EC applications needto be supported by written evidence from an appropriate, independent and verifiable authority such as a doctor or registered medical practitioner. HA endstream
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Your EC will only be validated on receipt and evaluation of your evidence. Students on a Learning Agreement must not submit an EC application but should discuss any extension requests with the Academic Head of Teaching and Learning (AHLT) or Personal Tutor. The Student Disability website has further information there.
Coursework and project submissions dates are all available on the Moodle pages for each module. Extenuating Circumstances and Extensions In times of crisis, health and safety are paramount, and taking care of yourself and your family always take precedence. These include: If you think you fall into the first bracket of situations, you should escalate your application. Third-year student, Iris, recently received an emergency grant, hear what the process was like . UCL have a Self-Certification Policy in place for the 2022/23 academic year. If the EC Panel does not have enough evidence to make a decision, you may be asked to provide new or additional evidence. Other universities may prefer to meet with you in person to decide how to move forward. If you had a SoRA extension, please state the date after the SoRA extension was granted. Extenuating circumstances include death of a family member, injury/illness, military service, vocational units taken at another institution or other extenuating circumstance that can be documented. Self-certified ECs: No earlier than 2 weeks before the deadline. Students' Union UCL is an organisation that exists to make more happen. Title, as well as the course number, course title, and the candidates name and year of study, should appear on the front outside cover. Submit your EC application as soon as possible, normally no more than one week after the first affected assessment. . You can self-certify for Extenuating Circumstances on a limited number of occasions, within the following defined criteria. University Way
If you had previous extensions for the same assessment, state the most recent deadline. You can submit an EC claim through Portico - navigate to the MyStudies tab and click on My Extenuating Circumstances. Extenuating Circumstances claims cannot be considered through these procedures once your formal results have been published. endstream
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Applying for an EC STEP 1. Step 1: consider whether you are eligible to apply Extenuating circumstances refer to a situation or situations beyond your control that have the potential to severely affect your academic performance. As a student, you are responsible for making known any circumstances which may affect your performance at assessment in good time so we can consider how to respond. 1E=E.i=k\LiSdOgJ@&9\q^DW=]U*S8YGlgw.G`I*>=jHMiAl}Rj8N%(Y'1\Hpy%3a*N&38M I:
If you have not been able to submit your work because of a technical problem, you must complete an AssessmentUCL Query Form. hb```b``.g`c`odd@ A;2t`o6/rWx&
x26>r@00 Jtt4 d30iS K231`6`K9 `pq kWdQcSb Your non-medical evidence should cover the following points: Disability and long term illness: Disability, including ongoing, long term illness and recurring and diagnosed illness would not usually be considered under the Extenuating Circumstances procedure, with the exception where there has been a particular worsening, serious episode or mental health crisis and documentary evidence can be provided. Students will not be entitled to their SoRA adjustment again on top of an EC extension. You need to ensure that your submission for extenuating circumstances is made within one week (five working days) of the circumstance taking place. endstream
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With deadlines and exams coming at you from every angle, it can be hard to keep up especially when things suddenly go wrong. '!g^ References in the text should be in the author/date (Harvard) format. Do Share & Care schemes work for student accommodation? UCL has a legal duty to ensure that you are not treated any less favourable, and that you have fair access to your education and all of UCL's services and support. EMC In some circumstances as a victim of crime you may not have contacted the Police, and this is accepted by UCL. Stay calm, heres what to do, A sudden illness or injury that prevents you from studying for an extended period, A serious illness or death of a loved one that affects your ability to study, A flair-up of a long-term health issue such as a chronic illness or a mental health condition, A detrimental personal issue such as parents divorce, an unexpected pregnancy or falling victim to a criminal offence, Last minute computer issues that prevent you from completing your work, Minor illness or injury that doesnt affect your academic performance for more than a few days, Issues that have been on-going but dont really affect you during the period in question, If youre applying due to personal or family matters, youre likely to need to provide a written account of your situation or a police report. H1 EwNL '\CK0R*?z+|VGyw:/::%0',I! oH(u={C\ 2`A-3[aADC1|G=ok7CY Requests submitted after the deadline, or after time-limited assessments have started, will not be approved. Your evidence will need to cover the full period for which you are requesting mitigation. You must submit your late evidence no more than four weeks after submitting your EC application. If you cannot obtain the necessary evidence in time to submit your EC claim, you must still submit your application on time and indicate that your evidence is to follow. , normally no more than one week after the first affected assessment. Appendices should be kept to a minimum and should not be used to get round the word limit. If your evidence isnt written in English, you must provide a notarised translation. Your claim will be considered by your department. You can make an EC claim through Portico. If you have submitted a self-certified EC claim, this will be considered by staff in your department, who will try to give you a response as quickly aspossible. HA If you have been affected by a death of someone other than one of the specified relatives,you will need to clarify your relationship to the deceased and the impact this has had upon you. If you have been impacted by an extenuating circumstance that is making your college application process more challenging, we want to work with you to ensure you are still able to submit your application materials. You must provide astatement thatmust verify how you have been affected and what impact this has had upon your assessment, and the dates when these circumstances occurred andcontinuedto.
This could be: You may also have to attend an interview with the department to determine whether youre eligible for extenuating circumstances.
A conventional EC will need to be considered by the Geography EC panel and this can take up to 10 days if we are receiving a very high volume of requests. Please refer to SHS Faculty for penalties for over-length work, Recent Environmental Change and Biodiversity. You should receive a response as soon as possible and no more than ten working days after submitting your application (unless you are submitting your evidence late). This step-by-step guide will clarify how to do that. syg|vb?`F=
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Your department will decide whether your claim meets the criteria and which mitigation is suitable for your circumstances. Letter or certificate froma doctor or other registered medical professional external totheUniversity. We are one of the largest student-led organisations in the UK. The evidence must have (if applicable toyoursituation): Illness of a dependent or relative: Medical certificate or doctors letter, as above. See Section 2.9: If you miss the deadline for EC claims. Further information about the types of evidence which you might be able to use is available inSection 1.5: Providing Supporting Evidence. If you have any concerns or questions about the Extenuating Circumstances process,contact theAdvice Serviceas soon as possible to make sure you have all the information you need to make your decision. If you have submitted an Extenuating Circumstances claim for an extension of an assessment deadline, you should continue with your work and submit on the date you have requested . If this is the case, the panel will let you know, within ten working days of receiving your application, that more time is needed to process your claim. United Kingdom, Copyright 2023 University of East London, Extenuation Report 2015-16 for Academic Board, impair your examination performance prevent you from attending examinations or other types of assessment,or, prevent you from submitting coursework or other assessed work by the scheduled deadline date, or within 24 hours of the deadline date, unforeseeable-in that you could have no prior knowledge of the event concerned, and, unpreventable-in that you could do nothing reasonably in your power to prevent such an event, and, expected to have aserious impacton performance. You should submit the EC on time and indicate that your evidence will be forthcoming. If you are not sure which mitigation is right for you, you can discuss this with your personal tutor or the IOE EC team. H1 EwN0!s#TjU/%`Hv?;xq@s,-@=mo3Y"(U!L>|#J23e(T'[nP\RSrp)&J9p]r[Wo9: 2vDKm\^CRx_ DZ
i) The marks for coursework received up to two working days after the published date and time will incur a 10 percentage point deduction in marks (but no lower than the pass mark); ii) The marks for coursework received more than two working days and up to five working days after the published date and time will receive no more than the pass mark (40% for UG modules, 50% for PGT modules); iii) Work submitted more than five working days after the published date and time but before the second week of the third term will receive a mark of zero but will be considered complete. -q
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UCL is yours, soshape it. You need to ensure that your submission for extenuating circumstances is made within one week (five working days) of the circumstance taking place. What qualifies for extenuating circumstances? All Extenuating Circumstances claims must now be submitted on Portico. You can submit an EC claim through Portico - navigate to the MyStudies tab and click on My Extenuating Circumstances. endstream
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Its therefore important to apply as soon as possible before your deadline to ensure you can plan accordingly. HPpuVru0
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