Similar to Agate, this stone is very helpful when it comes to mental flexibility and decision making. Crystal lovers enjoy the benefits of selenite for sleep, finding that it helps to neutralize the intensity of insomnia, bringing slumber shortly thereafter. Blue selenite gypsum works with higher chakras like a crown or third eye to enhance intelligence and find the core of the problems in life. An online search for Selenite reveals a price range of between $10 and $500, with prices determined by the size and quality of the stone. Harness these 3 crystal energies and get into a positive & magical mindset! If you decide to purchase Selenite stones, they will work for you in protecting your space from external influences and lower vibrational energies. It is also sometimes called Satin Spar and Gypsum Flower. A crystal piece with a unique design and exceptional healing properties can be a priceless, everlasting gift. By doing this you will be creating a powerful force field of protection a place where you can retreat to when you are feeling vulnerable. good for removing negative or unwanted energies from the environment, such as those that might make you feel uncomfortable or depressed; can help you in dealing with any type of negativity that is holding you back from moving forward and achieving your goals; can assist you with realizing what you really desire in life; helps to bring more positivity into your life by clearing away the negative energies, and so much more. Now, that you know all the emotional, spiritual, and physical selenite properties, uses, and benefits. Yet, often it can be as simple as sitting with your stone held in your hands and willing the energies of the universe and of the Spirit to cleanse and revitalize it for you. Strengthening willpower, enlightenment, and wisdom. Here are the best crystals to combine with Selenite. If you put a big chunk of Selenite beside your front door or any entryway in your house, you can keep negative energies from entering. The milky glowy crystal has a pearlescent shine which makes it look similar to the moon. Click to read more. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"P0NZ7XIahX.vbV3mZzRvAIUcRzXcNVPU2_dUQHodkhc-1800-0"}; It helps in understanding what you need and what you want to remove from your life. They offer an especially strong shield to deflect the negative effects of EMFs (electromagnetic fields). Yet Selenite can help you to embrace the age-old mantra that cooler heads prevail. Copyright 2022-Present Inspire Uplift, LLC. The body is made up of the same minerals and energy with which the universe and nature are made. As an added bonus, it also raises ones overall vibrational frequency! Because it is one of the most powerful and effective tools to cleanse and charge crystals, it's worthwhile to dedicate one of your Selenite stones specifically to this purpose. By filling your entire being with light, you can block out lower vibrational energy to protect your spirit. Their calming properties, ideal for spiritual work and meditative practices. The high-vibration energy of the selenite crystal can help you connect with your divine self and to lead a better and positive life. Selenite is not only a protective stone that will keep negative energies away. Gift Cards | "You can hold a piece in your dominant hand and comb through by holding it perpendicular to your spine," she explains, noting to start at your head and work your way down toward your feet on all sides of your body. This master healer radiates such a strong vibe that one feels all the bad vibes are getting removed and converted into good and positive vibes. If clarity of mind is what youre after, you should know that Selenite crystals activate the Sahasrara chakra, the crown chakra. Our Mission is to "Promote Education and the Use of Crystals to Support Healing". Whether you choose to wear a bracelet, necklace, or earrings, keeping the Selenite crystal meaning close to your body will allow you to tap into its high vibrations and use it as a source of light as you go about your day. Your selenite necklace work to constantly purify your energy, clearing away any negative or low vibrational energy that may arise internally or externally. By connecting with the Selenite crystal healing properties on a daily basis, you can brighten your own inner light to a point where it is much more difficult for darkness to enter. You will find that its lighter and cleaner in the morning. Selenite pendants specifically, and Selenite jewelry generally are a perfect gift for: One of our favorite places to put Selenite is on the windowsill so it can catch the light from outside, but placing it anywhere prominent in your home will ensure that it can uplift the energy of the space and keep your home a high vibe sanctuary. Its easy to see why Selenite is so popular. Some even believe this crystal never needs to be charged itself, she addsbut more on that later. A lot of people dont have time for dating intelligently and finding their perfect match. And in case you didnt know yet: you can use Selenite crystals to awaken or strengthen your telepathic abilities. You can use them by sitting on your chair and putting your bare feet on them preferably in the form of a Selenite wand. This intentionally hand-crafted bracelet is made with Morganite and Moonstone. If youre having problems getting pregnant, keep a Selenite close to your body every day. Other factors that can affect the cost are quantities ordered, modifications such as carving or polishing (which may be charged additionally), and additional costs incurred during shipping such as custom duties or importation taxes. Having it in your possession can help you better understand your connection to the universe. Black Tourmaline: Healing Properties, How To Use - mindbodygreen But it doesnt matter how many Selenite crystals you have on your body or in your purse. By becoming aware of the energy of Selenite, we can begin to feel our worries and thoughts fade away. Its simply the crystals way of aligning energies and extending an open invitation for suitors to find out how wonderful you are! As selenite was named after the moon goddess Selene, it uses the energy of the night and moon to help sleep better. Selenite Bracelets For Sale | Beadage Plus, "All objects and spaces can use energetic cleansing from time to time," she notes. Crystal Bracelets Complete Guide, Properties and Health Benefits Selenite Crystal Bracelet - Etsy Selenite is full of divine feminine energy. Jewelry Inc. All Rights Reserved. Gypsum rose, sand rose, or desert rose is a type of selenite made from sand, water, and air. Another popular protection stone which has been used for thousands of years, Malachite absorbs and transforms energetic imprints left by other people, places or things. So often, we are bombarded by information and things requiring our attention in todays world. Selenite Crystal: What is It and What it Can Do for You - Zen and Stone Keep selenite crystals on your bedside, and youll surely sleep like a baby. Selenite Meaning: Healing Properties, History and Benefits Selenite necklace crystal is an angelic crystal that brings serenity and peace to your life. It is used to attract fortune, prosperity, and wood energy. Selenite is a good stone to have to help you quiet your mind and give you mental clarity. This crystal has exceptional protective properties; it deflects negative energy outwards (such as that emitted by Black Tourmaline) while strengthening your immune system so you are less susceptible to illness or disease. Selenite is named after the Greek word for the Moon Selene, because of its properties which fluoresce under ultraviolet light. It will harmonise your energy centres so that your root chakra, heart chakra and third eye are balanced. And its really no surprise that Selenite is used in healing in holistic treatments. Gold is very highly-regarded for removing any blocks that are holding you back from living your life to your full potential. Selenite promotes good business practices and inspires honesty in business and professional relationships. It can also help to promote clarity of thought and aid in meditation. This healing stone is also an activator of the soul star chakra, the path to your spiritual growth. "I would not use them for massage or direct contact with the skin that wayit's much better to use them more energetically," she says, adding, "Even the cut, polished, and shaped wands can be used the same way as the rough blade or stick, to sweep energy from the aura or energy field.". You can also place your bare feet on a slab of Selenite if you want to balance, clear, or shift your personal energy field. Hold a peach selenite healing wand in each hand for 5 minutes daily to get the maximum benefit out of it. But do not worry if this ability does not come right away! SELENITE NECKLACE - Healing Crystal Shop Online This Metaphysical Crystals item is sold by TheUniverseReflected. Selenite has an effective space cleanser. Raffle | It can help you to linger in the thoughts of those with whom you want to get closer. Let your selenite crystals soak the energy of the moon overnight to charge and clean themselves. When we find ourselves stressed out or stuck in debilitating fear consciousness, we have to find a way to get out of head and quick! For a more powerful energy cleansing for your space, place one Selenite point in each of the four corners of a room to seal the energy with positivity and cleanse it of negativity. Selenite: Properties, Benefits & Different Ways To Use It - mindbodygreen Emma walker Selenite gemstones can also be the perfect addition to any jewelry combination. Your email address will not be published. Selenite is actually popular for charging and clearing other crystals, making it a particularly special stone. Because selenite is used for clearing on its own, some people don't think it needs to be cleansed itself. Selenite Crystal Bracelet - Authentic Selenite Bracelet 30% Off This black iron ore may not look like much, but beneath its unassuming exterior is an incredibly powerful protective stone. So its a must-have in everyones jewelry box, home, office, place of business, or sacred corner. By wearing Selenite crystal jewelry, carrying the stone, and placing it in your home, you can ensure that your energy and your environment is clear and cleansed at all times. 2 Selenite Benefits 2.1 High Vibes 2.2 Clears & Cleanses Energy 2.3 Protection 2.4 Healing 2.5 Meditation & Spiritual Work 2.6 Chakras 3 Types Of Selenite And Their Meaning 3.1 Desert Rose Selenite 3.2 Orange Selenite 4 Crystals Selenite Harmonizes With 5 How To Meditate With Selenite 6 How To Cleanse And Charge Selenite As you relax your breathing, allow yourself to let go. As she notes, "It's great to keep a deep energy cleanser like selenitethe crystal of 'liquid light'under your bed or pillow for restful sleep and sweet dreams.". Youv PROTECTION ABUNDANCE ENERGY OPTIMIZATION, A Room-by-Room Guide to Using Crystals for the Home, 8 Crystals for Money, Wealth & Prosperity & How to Use Them. Selenite from sedimentary deposits is commonly found embedded in Limestone. Selenite can be a powerful crystal to incorporate into any chakra-balancing or clearing rituals. Here's What To Know First, Based On My Experience. This crystal is famous for its ability to absorb and diffuse negative energy, protecting one from emotional stress and also shielding them from curses. Some of its healing attributes include: While wearing Selenite jewelry, you allow the crystals to touch your skin and perform a faster transfer of healing vibrations. Chakra Bracelets - Amethyst Bracelet - Selenite Crystal - Howlite - Triple Protection Bracelet - Natural Gemstone Beads Bracelet - Spiritual Jewelry - 8mm Beaded Crystals - Chakra Gifts. 16 Surprising Benefits of Selenite Crystal It promotes peace and provides clarity. This makes it useful for crystals new to you, as well as those that you have been working with for some time. Partners | If youve been searching for love but havent had much luck finding one that lasts, Selenite crystals can help you. However, selenite gypsum can be richly found in Mexico, Morocco, Australia, Brazil, Greece, Japan, etc. It symbolizes the angelic realms and allows us to communicate with angelic beings. Selenites vibration works perfectly with gold as it is an excellent stone for awakening higher states of consciousness. Amazonite 101: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits - Crystal Viden Luckily though, this is not manipulative or affecting any notions of free will. Terms of Use | Bracelets containing selenite are recommended for: Selenite ensures daily energy cleansing and divine light absorption. Selenite Meaning & Healing Properties | Energy Muse Utilize the magical selenite properties to bring balance to your life! Hematite can also be used to dissipate negative thoughts and influences in your environment, clearing a space around you so that nothing but positive things enter. If you think about your energy field like your house, dust, grime, and dirt can build up over time and create a layer of darkness around your home. It connects with the third eye chakra to allow self-reflection and improves visual perception. After all, the world is such a hotbed of bustle and confusion nowadays. By placing these crystals near your bed or under your pillow, their energy can help to promote deep and restful sleep, reduce nightmares, and encourage positive dreams. aids intuition. Everything that you want to happen in your romantic life can be made possible by tapping into its energies. Interacting with the crown chakra, the crystal has miraculous effects on consciousness, psychic development, and mind power. It ought not to matter who was right or who won any disputes. Selenite has an excellent vibration to aid the release of negative energies, and has many benefits that will assist the body to heal. You can also place a Selenite crystal stone over your chest to breathe deeper and raise your energetic vibration. Its a peaceful stone that creates deep calm. The main areas for collecting are the USA, Mexico, Canada, Slovenia (Europe), Australia, and Brazil. Moldavite healing crystal therapies include slowing the aging process, awakening latent memories . If you want to have a shot at lasting happiness, now is the time for being honest to yourself and each other. It will lift you up to a higher level of awareness and help you become the best lover, partner, and friend that you can ever be! These stones can assist you with reaching your spiritual goals and manifesting your desires in life. Finally, Selenites brilliant white radiance symbolizes the angelic realms and allows us to communicate with these spiritual beings. This is because they were known to be used exclusively for making windows that allowed one to see the moon at night. Selenite, Luck and Wealth Like many healing crystals and stones, Selenite is great to have to attract wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Selenite Stick: Healing Benefits & How to Use - Healthy Huemans You can place Selenite anywhere in your house that you want to have clear and pure energy. Still, its a good stone to have when dealing with anything money-related, including money problems and legal issues. And this will endear you even more to your loved one. Selenite is studied in the Naica mine in Chihuahua, Mexico, home to a magnificent cavern filled with these white crystals. It draws out negativity from ones body while protecting them from harmful and hostile intention. By focusing on its power, you can begin to hear the guidance and protection of these heavenly beings singing to you. Historically, large, thin sheets of selenite (sometimes called windowpane selenite) were used for windowpanes, and smaller sheets were used as eyeglasses, she says. So not only can Selenite help you to be more attractive to the right kinds of people. Keep a selenite crystal or other effective meditation tools around you before you start the process of reflecting on yourself. Selenite Bracelet Sodalite Meaning & Healing Properties | Energy Muse However, the satin spar is also known as a lucky stone, which aids in dealing with infertility and brings good luck. It helps us realign our bones and spine by strengthening our muscles. Spiritual growth, higher chakras, and emotional balance, selenite properties seem to shine the most in these aspects. The combination of these two stones is highly beneficial, as they both greatly enhance each other resulting in amplified visualisation abilities. In clearing out stagnant and heavy energies, selenite allows for a flow of energy - new and joyous energy - that is liquid-like. It will increase the vibration of any stone or mineral that it is combined with, as well as enhancing their healing properties and supercharging them for your specific intent. Moldavite Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses - Crystal Vaults Besides, because its such a beautiful stone, its best to let it be displayed proudly in your home! The list of the best crystal bracelets for women can't be completed without mentioning the rose quartz bracelet. Like when properly using Amazonite, you can also use Selenite for angel guidance, and to work with your spirit guides! Wearing a green selenite necklace or beaded bracelet can make a person feel good and relax. By connecting Selenite to the work we do around our crown chakra, we can wash away impurities of the mind. But a Selenite crystal that has lost its luster will be less effective in transmitting its energies to you and those around you. Light Worker Bracelet | Ethical Crystals, Ascension Jewelry and Energy Copyright 2023 Village Rock Shop. Selenes ethereal energy is embedded in this soft and powerful crystal. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Did you know that Selenite can also cleanse your aura? As well as sharpness and presence of mind, Selenite can also clear away any fuzziness or mental fog that surrounds psychic insights, or visions received during meditation. raises the mood. It cleanses your aura of all toxins that affect your physical body. But Leavy contends that this arguably makes it more necessary to give your selenite a regularly cleansing. Benefits of Wearing Selenite Bracelets This mystical crystal radiates with universal protection and beneficial spiritual vibrations. The Selenite crystal meaning is connected to the higher chakras, namely the crown chakra which is the center of higher consciousness. Selenite Crystal Meaning: Benefits, Types & How To Use It Its extremely high vibration floods your energy field with the highest vibrations of light, uplifting your spirit and guiding you to an elevated state of being. Since 2012 has been the fastest growing collection expert articles, media and information on the powers of crystals and their meanings. We're going to go through the healing properties and spiritual benefits of Blue Quartz crystals. However, the satin spar is also known as a lucky stone, which aids in dealing with infertility and brings good luck. Selenite Geology Sunlight often overpowers this soft, fragile stone when we want to recharge this crystals spiritual power. Gypsum flowers can sometimes be found in abundance within salt lake deposits or hot springs, for example, the Great Salt Lake of Utah. Support on Patreon! Terms of Service apply. It is known as one of the few crystals that can cleanse and recharge not only itself but other stones.
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