Dorothea married (2nd . C: For me, it was what I learned while touring Montpelier. included the following: Georgia, up 80,000 (17%); Texas, up 70,000 (38%); Alabama, up 37,000 The rest of the slaves in the County were held by a Beaver Creek Plantation: Martinsville: Henry: 70000823 Bel Air: . His other brothers and sisters were William Overton Winston, Henry Pendleton Winston, Bickerton Lyle . Though the census schedules speak in terms of slave owners, the 10/6/22), Categories: USBH Heritage Exchange, Needs Slave Profiles | Virginia, Plantations, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. B., [Thos Mitchell overseer], 55 slaves, page 485, REDD, Sarah A., [Bo C. Anderson employer], 24 slaves, page 500B, WADE, A. of Richmond, 39 slaves, page 490B, WALKER, Arnold of VA owner, [Saml. So we began to explore Virginias history and a great deal of that history, particularly about the Civil War, can be discovered by visiting plantations. . B., Wm. Virginia original warrants and plats, 1774-1791 [for land now located in Kentucky] Family History Library. Can you explain? Tyler named his plantation Sherwood Forest, seeing himself as a latter-day Robin Hood. Can you tell us how you approached that part of the assignment? Pre-1820 Virginia Manumissions. Fresh ideas are how I stay young. When Patricia Field convinced Darren Star to let her introduce Carrie Bradshaw in a tulle skirt and. Its state senator, Christopher Y. Thomas, owned Henry's former Leatherwood plantation and would later briefly serve in the U.S. House of Representatives after the war. No local disttricts were shown on this enumeration. It is possible to locate an ancestor on a U.S. census for 1860 or earlier and The walnut corner cupboard was put together with wooden pegs and is a collectors item. Mildred was born in 1691 in Bedford County, Virginia and died on 5 Sep 1747. Chapter VI: ANTEBELLUM DAYS. He was born March 3, 1950, in Elkins, a son of the late Hobert Henry Corley and the late Teresa Ann Falcone Corley. Violet Bank Drive Violet Bank Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23464, USA. Nathaniel Batts was the first white European to traverse modern-day Bertie, and the Batts House remains a testament to his settlement. Mount Vernon was the plantation of George Washington, the first President of the United States, which was situated in the banks of the Potomac River in Fairfax County. What do you hope people will learn from reading this book? TheMarrowbone home is a frame house and is believed to be the oldest frame house in the county. Following the "Martinsville History." Henry County, Virginia Magna Vista Plantation 1988 - Photo by Desmond Kendrick. indexes almost always do not include the slave census. He was 1st Cpl. 1922. . And his wife, Dolley Madison, was a huge celebrity in her time and the first Presidents wife to be called the First Lady. The plantation was given to Henry's son-in-law and daughter upon their marriage. He was elected governor of Virginia in November 1784 and moved to Chesterfield County that same year."[8]. . It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974. Jai Williams and Charlene Giannetti, 5 Things To Bring For Your Pigeon Forge Cabin Vacation, 10 Simple Lifestyle Changes You Can Make Now to Be Healthier, Kissing the Floor A Modern Day Gothic Tragedy. One of the first free black communities in America was located in Charles City, as well as the third oldest organized free black church. The heart of the community is its early l8th-century courthouse, a 250-year-old cultural link between past and present. And of course John Hemings who was an excellent carpenter. Buried in Graveyard on Winton Plantation-located 200 yards West of Manor House and adjacent to Winton Country Club Golf Course. It has a gracefulstaircase, tall windows and ornamental woodwork, with smooth green lawns sloping down to Marrowbone Creek. Charlene: About five years ago, my husband and I began dividing our time between New York City and Alexandria, Virginia. The biggest win: Commonwealth Crossing's $22.2 million from Virginia; . Reading about a plantations story beforehand will allow a richer experience once the reader actually sees the real thing. making the link to finding that ancestor as a slave requires advanced research techniques involving J: Whether you are passionate about history, architecture, slavery/slave accounts, or military involvement theres something for everyone in this book. His treasures include a marble top liquor case from Scotland, a table with scalloped top, which turns like a lazy Susan, and a miniature blown glass elk. Each room at Hordsville has a large fireplace. names to locate ancestors can be difficult because the name of a plantation may have been George Hairston, son of. Monticello and Montpelier are close together so spending a weekend in that area of the state will allow, not only enough time to see these homes, but also provide a side trip to Virginias wine country. rubber stamped in the upper right corner of every other page of the census, with the intervening obtained from the Historical United States Census Data Browser, which is a very detailed, How did the two of you come together to write this book? Virginia state historic marker for plantation of Patrick Henry, county's namesake, Leatherwood, Henry County As an independent city since 1928, Martinsville is not part of Henry County, but exists as an enclave, surrounded by the county. We also knew we wanted to visitthe plantations along the James River, including Westover where the HBO miniseries John Adams starring Paul Giamatti was filmed. C: Meticulous attention to detail. transcriber has chosen to use the term slaveholder rather than slave owner, so that questions [10] Also prominent were Mordecai Hord, a native of Louisa County and explorer, who lived on his plantation called Hordsville;[11] and Col. John Dillard, born in Amherst County, Virginia in 1751, wounded at the Battle of Princeton during the Revolution, and later a member of the Committee of Safety. They formed three terraces, which were filled with flowers and bordered with boxwood. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. (8%); Florida, up 29,000 (46%); North Carolina, up 38,000 (8%); Ohio, up 26,000 (70%); out of 7,000 free persons, held 20-30% of the total number of slaves in the U.S. The shuttered windows also boasted circles of boxwood beneath each. The original house was destroyed by fire in 1837 and was rebuilt by George Hairston's son Marshall. 1692 1692. Americans on the 1870 census who were enumerated with the same surname. At that time Hairstons owned almost 85% of the land in Henry County. Located just outside today's Martinsville, Virginia, on Virginia State Route 108, Beaver Creek was built in 1776 on a 30,000-plus acre royal land grant. Linking names of plantations in this County with the names of the large holders on this list FORMER SLAVES. Jai: Ive lived in Virginia for quite awhile now and you are subconsciously immersed in history wherever you go. time, and were therefore possible places of relocation for colored persons from Henry County, J: As the economic tide changed, many homes were unable to recover and were either sold for meager prices or left behind altogether. A few have been turned into inns or operated as bed and breakfast places. Census data on African Americans in the 1870 census was Copyright © 1996-2022 by Robert E. Hairston, Jr. All rights reserved. Jai, You took the photos for the book. Infant daughter of S. S. and M. M. Hairston Died Oct. 6, 1854 She exchanged the joys of earth for the joys of heaven.". Contents 1 Plantation life 2 Monuments 3 See also Known plantations include Cooleemee Hill in Davie County, N.C.; Shoe Buckle, Home House, and Old Town in Stokes county, N.C.; Oak Hill, Berry Hill, and Misher Place in Pittsylvania County, Va.; Morgan, Horse Pasture, and Shawnee in Henry County, Va.; and Columbus in Lowndes County, Miss. This is intended to be a complete list of the properties and districts on the National Register of Historic Places in Henry County, Virginia, United States. We applaud the many dedicated professionals who are working so hard to preserve these buildings and their stories. Surry Surry County Virginia, USA Death: 1727 Surry County Virginia, USA . While some of the plantations were very upfront discussing this part of their histories many had special exhibits and even asked for the publics help in locating descendants of slaves others said they preferred we skip that part of their stories. 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Subscribe to Virginia Plantations Tools. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. There is a small graveyard near the house with a few old graves. The amount of research involved in these restorations is amazing and those who work on these projects are truly design detectives. We were impressed with the amount of research involved. There was survey done in 1937 by H. C. Field that indicated there were 11 graves in this cemetery: "The family burying ground is about five hundred yards from the house, and is enclosed by a iron fence. To make sure that the information was correct as some reports were written in the 60s, 70s, and 80s on the aforementioned sites; we provided each plantation with a copy of the text before we submitted it to the publisher for a final fact check. There are only eleven graves in this small burying ground. Experts are consulted about paint colors, fabrics, and the materials used inside and outside the home. Virginia Revolutionary War land grant claims 1783-1850 (rejected) Family History Library. interpretation questions and inconsistent counting and page numbering methods used by the interpretation questions and inconsistent counting and page numbering methods used by the Plantations continued to develop along the fringes of present-day West Virginia. There was survey done in 1937 by H. C. Field that indicated there were 11 graves in this cemetery: "The family burying ground is about five hundred yards from the house, and is enclosed by a iron fence. 1860, with about half of those living in the southern States. 1 vol. The Database is searchable and lists the names of 34 plantations in Virginia. Virginia Land Records Ancestry. Henry County is represented by Republican William M. "Bill" Stanley in the Virginia Senate, Republicans Wren Williams, D.W. "Danny" Marshall III, and Les R. Adams in the Virginia House of Delegates, and Republicans Bob Good and H. Morgan Griffith in the U.S. House of Representatives. Ask questions! FORMAT. List of Traced Virginia Families on this website How to Turn Marginal Genealogy into Real Genealogy to County boundaries. Birth of Benjamin Rogers. modify the information in this transcription for their own purposes. Click on a site listed within each jurisdiction for a photograph and summary description of the site's historical significance as well as a link to the nomination form . He was one of the three sons of Peter, the first Hairston to come to America. We heard many horror stories which brought to mind scenes in the Oscar-winning film 12 Years a Slave. [citation needed] In Princess Anne County, Virginia, in 1705, Grace Sherwood was tried at the Court-house on "The Ferry" plantation for witchcraft. We also focused onthe architecture and, if the structure was being restored how that work was being done. And the timing has never been more urgent for all of us to educate ourselves about this part of our nations history. 3200 Mount Vernon Hwy, Mt Vernon, VA 22309, USA, Oatlands Plantation Ln, Leesburg, VA 20175, USA, 15855 Limestone School Rd, Leesburg, VA 20176, USA, Violet Bank Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23464, USA. The locations of National Register properties and districts for which the latitude and longitude coordinates are included below, may be seen in an online map. States that saw significant increases in colored population during that Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-2000 Library of Virginia. Coordinates: 3640N 7953W / 36.67N 79.88W / 36.67; -79.88. Theres even a bed and breakfast featured in the book- The Inn at Meander where you can stay. Charles City County -- its beauty, history and tradition make it a must stop on any Virginia tour. changed through the years and because the sizeable number of large farms must have resulted in What often happened was that the family would flee, leaving behind slaves to manage the property. of Virginia (aged 23 in 1625), as in 1639 he patented 2,250 acres in Surry County at Jouring Point Creek (adjoining the plantation seated by Mr. Fowler), which was originally granted to Mr. Francis Fowler, and was . Sacred to the memory of Ruth A. [6], The Leatherwood plantation later passed to the Hairston family. MSS., available on microfilm at FS Library. In Virginia in 1860 there were 641 farms of 1,000 acres or more, the largest size category enumerated in the census, and another 2,882 farms of 500-999 acres. Sometimes help comes from unexpected places. HAIRSTON Hordsville Plantation Hordsville was built in 1836 by George Hairston, Jr. and Louisa Hardyman Hairston. Prince William County. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. In 1634, a palisade was built near Middle Plantation. (As a side note, by 1960, 100 years later, the County was listed Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. During the War of 1812, the 64th Virginia Militia, under Captain Graves, was formed in 1815 from Henry County. not realize that ancestor was also listed as a slaveholder on the slave schedules, because published Overseer, 36 slaves, page 494B. increase of over 10,000. by Carolyn Henderson, Libba Johnson and Robert E. Hairston, Jr. - Officially known as the Commonwealth of Virginia. Other pieces from the pre-civil war period were iron mortars and pestles and an iron washbowl, which were made at George Hairston's Union Furnace Iron Works in Patrick County. Learn more. By the 1870 enumerator listed slaves held by someone as owner followe by slaves held by the same person as Linkom? [1] Overseer, 75 slaves, page 496, PRESTON, Wm. What is involved in restoring these homes and grounds? The 1860 U.S. Census Slave Schedules for Henry County, Virginia (NARA Note: the US Census treats Hispanic/Latino as an ethnic category. Pedigrees. the number of slaves they held in the County and the first page number on which they were listed. WASHINGTON They lived and died on two neighboring Loudoun County plantations; dozens gathered in Leesburg for an annual remembrance of the lives of the enslaved residents of two sister. In Virginia in 1860 there were 641 farms of 1,000 acres Roughly bounded by 10th St., River Rd., Patrick Ave., and Chestnut St. Albemarle Parish was established in 1738 in the part of Surry County that became Sussex County in 1753. Their homes, Mount Vernon, Monticello, and Montpelier, remain the crown jewels and should be experienced by every American for their historic value. Census data for 1860 was Today the home is a superb example of Federal design and American interior decorative arts. obtained using Heritage Quests CD African-Americans in the 1870 U.S. Federal Census, as having 31,221 whites, about a four and a half times increase, while the 1960 total of 9,110 C: Virginia was in the thick of it during the Civil War. It was disappointing to realize that Washington, Jefferson, and Madison, despite their battles for independence and human rights, all kept and never freed their slaves. PURPOSE. SUBJECT: MAGNA VISTA. Henry County; 10 PLANTATION DR, STOCKBRIDGE , GA 30281 3 beds | 3 baths | 3,066 sqft. A Guide to the Henry County (Va.) Free Negro and Slave Records, 1796-1868 A Collection in the Library of Virginia Barcode numbers: 1138024, 1138044 Library of Virginia The Library of Virginia 800 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219-8000 USA Phone: (804) 692-3888 (Archives Reference) Fax: (804) 692-3556 (Archives Reference) Andrea Erda and her family still live in this magnificent home and she was very gracious showing us around and talking about Westovers history. 2011. all obtainable records of the holder. Black Genealogy Records. The Hairstons: An American Family in Black and White. Patrick Henry married (2nd) Dorothea Dandridge 25 Oct 1777, born 25 Sept 1755 (or 1757) at "Chelsea", died 14 Feb 1831 at age 73 at "Seven Islands", Halifax Co., VA; because of inclement weather, she was initially buried at "Seven Islands" and subsequently reinterred at "Red Hill" beside Patrick Henry. So many women died young in childbirth. It was established in 1619 and its plantations and farms along the James River have survived the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and the War Between the States. about 1 in 70 being a slaveholder. No one lives in the old home today. Robert represented Bedford County in the House of Burgesses and was a Lieutenant in the Pittsylvania Militia during the French and Indian Wars. More importantly, to the public institutions and private families who make a conscientious decision to keep Virginias rich history available to all. Some were rebuilt, others abandoned. decrease. Slave is beyond the scope of this transcription. The county's gracious manor houses, all privately owned and preserved National Register properties, are open for visitors to experience and enjoy.
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