He didn't understand, he really didn't, just why Nick son of Fury, was so adamant that his brother be punished on Midgard rather than on his home planet, on Asgard. ", Tony, who is bent to get back at Clint after his joke about Tony being gay, looks like a kid who is told that Christmas has come early. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1987-1994, and was both a prefect and Head Boy. He considered Harry a bad influence for Ron and sent him a letter encouraging him to sever ties with Harry and to stay on Umbridge's good side so that he could become eligible for Head Boyship in a few years. Happy birthday Ron! "Captain- I don't have time for your bullshit. Harley was sat at Wanda's feet while Bucky was sat on the floor leaning slightly against Harry's legs. Since this morning, Mr. Odinson has mentioned Loki five times, you mentioned him twice, Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff once each. "Fine but you should probably invite everyone that needs to hear this because I'm not repeating it." But he never leaves, and the kid is perfectly dandy with nothing but a scar. Affiliation Son Of Nick Fury (Percy Jackson x Avengers). Nationality They would meet in deserted classrooms to kiss, but were caught once by Percy's sister, Ginny. We have mutual feelings that we haven't realized. "First off, he's my kid. However, you have programmed me to have my own simulated thought process. 332 guests Harry has told me so much about you! "Certainly, sir. harry potter is nick fury's brother fanfiction. From the greatest wizard in Midgard of course.". [23] An inquiry was held, and Percy got into trouble since it was felt that he should have realised that something was amiss with Crouch and informed a superior.[13]. Early in his second year, Percy joined his two older brothers and Jacob's sibling in a study session in the Hogwarts Library. But choose wisely, some boys may come with more than just a pretty face. You can't threaten a kid with a gun!" Has he fulfilled his promise?". Harry assured them before he left for the ministry to calm down and not panic. Cooper Whedon - Grandson. This was a tad worse than growing up in a cult. On the same day, the Ministry of Magic was overthrown by Death Eaters, and Rufus Scrimgeour was killed and replaced by Pius Thicknesse, a puppet of Voldemort's. "Basically Dumbledore's a manipulative bastard who believes you should do the right thing for the greater good and the Dark Lord Voldemort was of the opinion that you either bowed to him or died" Draco interrupted trying to provide context to the Avengers. Hermione Granger, his future sister-in-law. In fact, Loki may watch it with you so you two can bond over your father issues." The one getting the most votes will win. A slip of a man popping into being and then offering them the chance of a life time. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Perhaps a low level HYDRA attack which can be handled by himself so as not to endanger anyone else? Why does he refer to him as Dad? The Burrow, where Percy grew up along with his family. Reader Insert ; No quirk, but she still wanted to be a hero. 100 daily push-ups, sit-ups, and sq (This story has been discontinued) He's even willing to fill in the paperwork in triplicate. A couple of minutes later Fury stepped out the elevator scowling at the avengers. "See you later then" Harry replied smirking as he walked out with Draco following close behind. Found Family. He let a long sigh escape him when the dark skinned Midgardian began repeating his previous arguments. "Come on Cap, where is your sense of humor? Percy was extremely ambitious and dedicated to his goals, which was apparently to become Minister for Magic, though it is possible that it was just Fred and George joking. "I know Cap, although, if you want to make it up to me, you can read all the fanfictions featuring me and vote which one is the best. 'Fifteen - he dealt with no one believing him about the return of this Dark Lord, and other crap that you don't need to know, because it won't impact your briefing. He managed to survive being stabbed and saved a girl that had nearly been killed thanks to the works of again - that Dark wizard. Steve asked, angry. He obtained top grades in all of his twelve O.W.L.s, but hardly gloated over the fact. Do you know that jinxing your name has been done by Voldermort? Tony recovers quickly and says, "I guess the statement that everybody reads Harry Potter is true! He also rubbished Harry's claim that Lord Voldemort had returned, saying it was not good enough. What happens when eight movies appear out of nowhere, depicting their life in the past, present, and future? "Everyone- sit your asses down." ", Steve feels exasperated and wonders why Tony likes to get back to Stony when they have Loki bent on world domination using fanfiction. He's surprised that Natasha and Clint are already there. [12] He was a small child during the height of the First Wizarding War. [13] He became delusional, untrustworthy, ignorant and power-hungry, much like his idol Cornelius Fudge, and inaccurately believed Dolores Umbridge to be a good-natured woman, despite her true sadistic and hateful nature, while at the same time wrongly believing Harry, Dumbledore and his family to be liars. [23], He later also supported the Ministry with their legislations and prejudice against werewolves and half-giants when they were attempting to discredit Dumbledore, not protesting when the Ministry criticised Dumbledore's decision to employ Remus Lupin and Rubeus Hagrid at Hogwarts. Later, he wrote to his parents to inform them that Ginny had been taken into the Chamber. Born Steve thinks that the guns will be useless against magic anyway. [20], An academically inclined, ambitious, and hard working student. Loki stares disbelievingly at Tony and says, "Why should I answer questions that won't benefit me? When Cornelius Fudge did not believe Harry Potter's claim that Lord Voldemort was back, he thought that Dumbledore was using the threat of his return as a springboard, spreading rumours so as to destabilise his administration. Because of this, Percy was a constant butt of their jokes and pranks, including bewitching his prefect and Head Boy badges to read Pinhead[14] and Bighead Boy[22] respectively, and sending dragon dung to his office at the Ministry. House 4. I didn't know Voldermort would lose either since there are so many books to go through. Steve takes all his strength to hold on to Thor but he thinks it will be futile unless he mediates quickly. The Quintessential Marauders Era Nicolas Flamel (c. 1326-c. 1992) was a French wizard and famed alchemist who was the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance with incredible powers. Volunteer members of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force were able to free him.[28]. Point Break, please send my regards to Darcy, that girl is gutsy and like Coulson has a penchant for using tazers." Clint is on the roll as he continues, "Thor, some episodes have Loki, Balder, and Odin in them. Steve doesn't really get the reference. For a complete history see Nick Fury's Expanded History Early Life The eldest of three children, Nicholas Joseph Fury grew up in Depression-era New York City with his brother Jacob and sister Dawn. Lori Lynn Brody - Daughter. Wand "Wow, not only you have father issues but also centennial sibling rivalry, and people say I have issues," Tony says with a big smile, not realizing that his teammates wince at his statement. I thought it was history. You're competing for his best Dad spot right now, aren't you?' Bruce is already there since he's practically joined at the hip with Tony after the Loki incident. He earned an O.W.L. ", "Yes, sir, I'm aware of that. In 1995, he broke off all ties with his family following an argument with his father over his promotion to Junior Assistant to Fudge. He hopes Thor doesn't take it the wrong way. He commanded as he strode into the room, stopping at the front as the group of heroes all scrambled to obey the order. "Captain Rogers, no, Mr. Stark hasn't fulfilled his promise. Even though Percy was already aware of Harry's ability to speak Parseltongue, it also ensured that he was easily swayed by Rita Skeeter's slanderous article about Harry being disturbed and dangerous, to the point that he no longer considered Harry trustworthy and disbelieved his claims of Voldemort's return. during Ianthe Potter's fifth year in Hogwarts, during the hallo redemancy He was well over . [17], In his third year, Percy, along with his brother Bill, choose to study all five available elective subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy and Study of Ancient Runes. [13], Percy, while working as a scribe for the Ministry. His love of order and rules, and obedience to authorities blinded him to the truth about Lord Voldemort's return and he felt ashamed after learning the truth and couldn't bring himself to see his family. Everyone in the wizarding world started celebrating, thinking everything was fine and the baby was hailed as a hero." "Fury didn't just pop into existence?" Loki, would you be so kind as to tell us how we summoned you? Harry James Potter is a fictional character and the titular protagonist in J. K. Rowling's series of eponymous novels.The majority of the books' plot covers seven years in the life of the orphan Harry, who, on his eleventh birthday, learns he is a wizard.Thus, he attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to practise magic under the guidance of the kindly headmaster Albus Dumbledore . ", "Sir, Captain Rogers used the words 'your brother' when he talked to Thor. This showed his dishonesty and desperation to become something higher in the Ministry. He can't possible make another wish to be elsewhere, can he? Continuation of Januari and Februari, where I write different shorter fics for every prompt, every day of the month. 'Nick Fury? Luc Laurent - Son in law. Before things get out of hand again, he quickly says, "Just let this arrow incident go, the most important question now is who summoned Loki. Who summoned you?" [14] A stickler for rules and regulations, he respected authority and, when he attained it himself, expected respect in return. Dumbledore, with no intentions of being taken to Azkaban then proceeded to knock out Umbridge, Fudge, Kingsley, and Dawlish and made his escape. His mother went to London to try to talk with him, but Percy slammed the door in her face. Following this, Percy and his father had a huge row, with Percy telling his father that he had to struggle against his lousy reputation since he had started at the Ministry, that he had no ambition, and that was the reason the family was so poor. Pale Clint answers hotly. Only Captain Rogers and Dr Banner haven't mention Loki's name before his appearance. In which John discusses his new novel (Paper Towns), the Nerdfighting antics of Harry and the Potters, the forthcoming punishment, and Academic Decathalon.HE. Surprisingly, despite the trouble he was previously in, Percy was offered the position of Junior Assistant to Fudge himself. I'm fully intrigued now. How flattering! You see, the big bad was said to be defeated sixteen years ago - by a baby. Tony, who has been unusually quiet, finally says with a laugh, "Wow, Barton, don't you think you take the joke of taking an arrow to the knee a bit too far?". [18] Percy advised Harry Potter to take Muggle Studies and Divination for his third year, as he regarded them as the most useful. Steve snorted in frustration. I hope you realize they are all fictional!". He tried to look out for his sister, Ginny, once forcing her to take Pepperup Potion because she looked ill, and by trying to assuage her fears that Ron's behaviour would get him expelled. Fury shook his head. ", "That can't be true, I'm sure Capsicle refers to Loki before during the Loki/Steve's debacle. Title(s) Percy Apparated to the Hog's Head, and travelled down the secret tunnel to the Room of Requirement, hoping he hadn't missed the battle. "I didn't mean to" Harry whined "Sirius and Draco kidnapped me from school and forced me to come here. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Alternate Stories, Harry Potter son / ward of one of the Avengers. I'm deeply hurt that you reject me even before our first date!" He was credited as "Slightly Doubtful Boy" in the film. ", Loki looks genuinely interested and says, "And you complained when I wanted to take away Midgardians' free will. To go back and save family members long gone and those at risk now. After Voldemort subjugated Crouch and forced him to write letters to declare sickness, Weasley obeyed the orders via these letters unquestioningly. Every painful thing he's ever gone through can be traced back to one man. Percy kept a firm grip on Harry's shoulder to hold him firmly in place and once again acted as a scribe for Fudge. Harry is on holiday in New York when he meets Tony Stark in a club. The family, while rejoicing the end of the Second Wizarding War, was also devastated over the loss of Fred. As a reward for this, Percy was given a Screech Owl whom he named Hermes, and new robes by his parents. It can be assumed that Percy had a fairly happy childhood, as all the Weasley siblings did. He had purple eyebags that seemed to be permanently bruised into his eyes and the worry lines he had furiously avoided seemed to have settled into his face. ', 'What? C'est la faute d'Harry tout a, en plus il entrane d'honntes gens dans ses histoires ! Percy's estrangement from his family continued, although he did write a letter to Ron, congratulating him on becoming a prefect and urging him to stop associating with Harry (who he felt was a bad influence) as well as believing that his family would one day realise their mistake for believing Dumbledore and apologise to him. Calling Odin's name five times or something?". Kid with sea green eyes interrupts meetings, Morning questions, gym sessions and school, Flashbacks, flashbacks and more flashbacks, SHIELD's spy, Percy's school trouble and Downtown's warning, Nico's trouble, school fights and worried avengers, Sacred oaths, a talk with dad and blood results, The tests, check-up and avoiding flashbacks, Death-anniversary, depressing birthday celebrations and ice cream with war's kid, Ice-cream chats and dangerous flashback preventing, Reuniting with old friends, the plan and the confusion. "Right, so I'm looking for my kid he was in England butI can't find him and there are rumours to him being in New York. It was revealed in Captain Marvel that Fury lost his eye when Goose scratched him. [25], Percy proved himself to be very much of a social climber. Published by on June 29, 2022. "Save it, Cap. He said with an expectant look. [Source]. ", Tony says, "Yeah right, your knowledge of Midgardian must be so rich. She rolls her eyes and says, "Clint, enough with your Supernatural obsession! Perhaps now is the time so he can be called away. answers Clint, "How do we get rid of you? Unknown length, wood and core He also learned about the plans for the resurrection of the Triwizard Tournament, which he took great delight with in hinting about to his younger siblings. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Pure-blood [25], Percy stands with his family and friends during the battle, During the one-hour armistice, Percy mourned Fred with his family in the Great Hall. Finished. "Next you will be breaking up with me saying 'It's not you, it's me.' 14. Do you realize you are getting carried away by reading all these fanfictions? in every exam he took. He looked paler, as if he hadn't gone outside for some time. It can also be short for Perseus, which is derived from Ancient Greek, meaning "destroyer". "I'm afraid, it's only the six of you plus Nick Fury," answers Loki with a mock bow to Steve as he is the captain. Percy introduced himself and his pet rat to this individual. "Finally! During his stay at the Leaky Cauldron before the start of his seventh year, he accused Ron of dripping tea on it. Percy commented in his letter to his younger brother Ron that the Minister would not be more gracious to him for this defection. Now let's get you to the Hospital Wing." Angela lost 20 points from Slytherin for disarming a teacher but didn't get detention considering the circumstances and Harry's arm was mended right away by Madam Pomphrey. asked Tony already beginning to search for a trace of the kid, "He's kinda short, black hair, green eyes and ". 'Now, what I'm about to tell you is going to blow all your sheltered little minds.' [25], During the 2010s, Percy appeared as a Foundable during the Calamity. Gender In a desperate attempt to save the world but foremost their family, Jack and Castiel call upon an ancient power, they didn't expect what happened. Nick suspects things about Percy. "Brother, are you being punished? He hasn't told me the full rundown but from what I got from my sources,' (his two friends), 'he was tied to a headstone, tortured and forced to fight this experienced killer before having to drag his friends corpse back on his way out.'. , , . He continued to work at the Ministry, presumably under the new Minister. Marital status Twelve years later the Avengers Initiative is put into play after the Tesseract is stolen by visiting alien, Loki. "Oh finally, the Spangly soldier decides to grace us with his presence," Tony teases. "Tony, I'm so sorry. [14], In his fifth year, Percy earned twelve Ordinary Wizarding Levels, an achievement his brother Bill also earned. asks Tony. I will keep that in mind. Following the downfall of Voldemort, Percy returned to work for the Ministry and became Head of the Department of Magical Transportation[7] under the new Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt. Non-corporeal[9] ", Clint laughs uncontrollably and says, "Well, considering that Voldermort always loses to Harry Potter, it's very appropriate. He quickly replies with a wry smile, "Thanks, Clint! He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1972 and was sorted into the Slytherin house. Loki was, after all, a citizen of Asgard, not of Midgard. [12] At some point in his fifth or sixth year, Percy began dating Penelope Clearwater, a Ravenclaw prefect, though he kept it a secret from his family, most likely to prevent his twin brothers Fred and George from mercilessly teasing him (which they did most of the time). Percy's admiration of Crouch was so strong that he defended Crouch when his brothers mocked him and when Crouch sacked Winky, putting his friendship with Hermione Granger under strain when she condemned Crouch's seemingly unreasonable act. He was the younger brother of Bill and Charlie, the older brother of the late Fred Weasley, George, Ron and Ginny. He sees Clint seethe with anger at Tony's remark and Natasha is not too happy either. Boggart Human There would beno-one to compete in the kitchen with otherwise. [13], Percy with Harry Potter in Dumbledore's office after the discovery of Dumbledore's Army, In early 1996, Percy was one of the Ministry officials summoned to Hogwarts following Professor Umbridge's discovery of the secret organisation, Dumbledore's Army. Its a magic school- but speaking to snakes is where they draw the line?" [24], During Christmas in 1996, Percy was pressured by Rufus Scrimgeour to go to The Burrow with him. Peter had his head on Draco's lap his legs laid across Wanda and Harry's laps. Community content is available under. ", Loki harrumphs, "So now after being jilted by your boyfriend, you turn your attention to me. All we know is he goes in the house - kills the kid's parents. I keep quiet because I don't want to hurt your feelings. [27], On 1 September, 2017, he was present on platform 9, discussing broomstick regulations, presumably seeing off one or both of his daughters to school. Fury relaxed,the slightest hint of a smile on his lips. "Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on and how is Fury related to this cult?" [19], As a third-year, Percy was allowed to visit Hogsmeade. I'm deeply hurt," Tony says that with the mock gesture again. He took a pet rat named Scabbers with him, which turned out to be an Animagus named Peter Pettigrew. I can always turn into Hulk," Bruce says with a surprisingly menacing glare at Loki. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He never mentioned it to me. I know from sources that he'd actually just been fighting for his damn life, but I couldn't do anything.' [21], Percy spent much of the summer of 1992 in his room exchanging letters with girlfriend Penelope Clearwater, and his family only saw him at mealtimes. 465 Stories. Hair colour but that only lasted for about 2 weeks. Not really at a specific point in the story ( after harry reunites with Draco but before Dumbledore and Snape meet the Avengers ), Rough Draft give me suggestions on how to improve this x. He moved to London where he was able to get himself a flat, and continued with the position in Fudge's office. Thor nods in agreement. They don't even know how to deal with this non-corporeal version of Loki yet. Tony whispered out of the corner of his mouth. Regardless, the damage that Fudge had caused to Percy's relationships with his family was done and it took 2 years before Percy was finally able to reconcile with them. They think you're part of a cult? He was also present when Voldemort announced Harry's "supposed" death, looking shocked and saddened, as he had once again came to consider Harry a friend. He playfully remarked to her about sabotaging Harry's Firebolt when she asked if she could touch it.[22]. ", "Fine, be my guest. Fred was the first to forgive him, while George seemed to carry on as if the split had never occurred, and made a small joke about Percy having been a prefect. Thor is there since he can fly. I did some research to discover who the greatest wizard in Midgard is and fashioned my method after him. Fury glared at them for interrupting and they gulped. "Actually Voldie's dead and all the Death Eaters with the mark are in Azkaban" Fury sighed lowering the gun. It is mentioned that Hermione got on with Percy better than the rest of the Weasleys. He's the last one to arrive. [22] However, his behaviour alienated him from his younger siblings, especially Fred and George, who were the exact opposite of him. [23] However, the twins' pranks were generally good-natured ribbing at his expense during Christmas in 1991, the twins forbade him from sitting with the other prefects, noting that Christmas was a time for family. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Percy, grief-stricken, refused to leave his brother's body until Harry, who was quite angry at him before, and Ron helped him store it safely in a wall niche. [25], During the Battle of Hogwarts, Percy and Fred fought alongside each other. I thought he would be happy with the no sex before marriage thing.". The Avengers were sitting around the table eating Lunch which Bucky had definitely cooked despite his protests otherwise. Family members Tony seems to be offended by that and it seems the statement also causes some discomfort in Loki's part. Arthur Weasley (father)Molly Weasley (ne Prewett) (mother)William Weasley (older brother)Charles Weasley (older brother)Fred Weasley (younger brother) George Weasley (younger brother)Ronald Weasley (younger brother)Ginevra Potter (ne Weasley) (younger sister)Audrey Weasley (wife)Molly Weasley II (daughter)Lucy Weasley (daughter)Fleur Weasley (ne Delacour) (sister-in-law)Angelina Weasley (ne Johnson) (sister-in-law)Harry Potter (brother-in-law)Hermione Granger (sister-in-law)Victoire Weasley (niece)Dominique Weasley (niece)Louis Weasley (nephew)Fred Weasley II (nephew)Roxanne Weasley (niece)James Potter II (nephew)Rose Granger-Weasley (niece)Albus Potter (nephew)Lily L. Potter (niece)Hugo Granger-Weasley (nephew)UncleBilius (uncle) Fabian Prewett (maternal uncle) Gideon Prewett (maternal uncle) CousinSeptimus Weasley (paternal grandfather)Cedrella Black (paternal grandmother) Mr Prewett (maternal grandfather)Mrs Prewett (maternal grandmother)Tessie (maternal great-aunt)Muriel (maternal great-great-aunt)Weasley familyPrewett family (maternal family)House of Black (paternal relatives) This letter also greatly hurt Harry's feelings. "Are you two done?" Privacy Policy. For years he nurtured this desire, until at the age of 14 he died when an organization had tried to kidnap him from the lab. I'm sure you Asgardians and Steve won't know the reference. If he wasn't looking for you, my father would be obsessed with some other technology or women anyway as he was not a family man by nature. harry potter is nick fury's brother fanfiction. Point is - after his school year, he never came back. In fact, I have been planning to call Ms. Potts the whole morning. That was the only reason. He said harshly, but underneaththat was real fear. Natasha rubs Clint's back soothingly. Tony says with a wink. [23], The Yule Ball that Percy attended as a representative of Mr Crouch, Prior to the Christmas of 1994, Percy was promoted to Mr Crouch's personal assistant, and began taking orders from him via owl post. Fury instructed Tony. Espagueti32557038, Tsukki_and_Yamaguchi, TyanataDraven, CapriaStar, Junkook, RahNeDarkness, UnderPlay, oiseau1517, Taylor9306, Dee_love, Nida_16017175, 67mpala, OverratedCopycat, Shay_1107, 31r4, Pati_xo, Rosalyn_Rose, sannysin, arinisinghonline, Happilyhaehae, ZaynaKai, Konekokuu, MagicalReaderGirl1, Digmon3, materialixtic, anna_anna_anna, Always_Okay, Ivesamy, LunarSun, kokone31, portia_marie02, Mysleria, Princess_Cottage, Leta_7903, Rits2811, Elyvoiderebus, Maxwell0812, Roningirlkisa, stabcloud, Draco_Malfoy384, anastasia1999, BlueEH190, fangirl_99, Gushky, Funtime_Nightmare4, Jael_vargaz_09, FeyKingsCourtroom, munggg, Axeliana, waryeol, and 737 more users (sorry, I still love Sally!) Clint shrugged, unnerved about knowing this about his boss. No the Bratdefinitely didn't look cute in it. Tony, please don't ask those irrelevant questions. Instead of being overjoyed, Harry's disgusted. He can't possibly endanger his teammates just for his selfish desire not to be teased. Percy was a very skilled and talented wizard. In the 70s, a man called Lord Voldemort - pretentious fucker, his real name was Tom Riddle, rose to power leading a group of terrorists named Death Eaters. [14], With the secret out, Percy and Penelope appeared in public together, and he kept a photo of her. "JARVIS, don't you dare! End of story! The rest of the Avengers are shocked that Steve, Thor, and Loki are actually aware of Harry Potter. Friday's voice interrupted his musings "Sir, Fury is in the elevator", Tony groaned "Okay, kids Nick probably wants to talk avengers business so clear off while we talk?".
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